As a small business owner, you need to make sure that your business is adequately insured. While you may know the basics about business insurance, you may not have the experience yet to know exactly what kind of cover you need. It can take some time to get up to speed on the business insurance market, but using a business insurance broker may help. Why is it a good idea to use a broker?
27 December 2018
Choosing the right management liability insurance policy is critical for the financial security of your business. This insurance cover will ensure that your company is protected against the losses which can be incurred due to mismanagement. If you are not covered and you cause losses to other parties, your enterprise might be crippled by the allegations of the wrongful acts. The management liability insurance will minimise the repercussions by covering claimant costs, defence or legal expenses, civil fines and investigation costs.
23 May 2018